Rishikesh Retreat on Mundaka Upanishad - May 2023

Swamini Chidekarasananda Saraswati ji conducted a retreat in Rishikesh ashram from 22nd May to 26th May 2023 on Mundaka Upanishad.
The participants got the opportunity to understand the cause of Samsara, the life of becoming, and what the true meaning of liberation, moksha is, through the modern-day approach of Swaminiji in teaching Mundaka Upanishad as well as Chapter 15 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita.
Group chanting and Bhajans along with one to one interaction with participants enthused them to pursue Spiritual practices in a more disciplined way.
The special blessings from the Guruparampara came for the retreat in the form of the teachings from Chandogya Upanishad by Revered Swami Sakshatkrutananda Saraswati ji, Chief Acharya and Chairperson of our Rishikesh ashram. These talks were very revealing and elevating for all participants.
Below are some glimpses of the retreat..