Swamini Chidekarasananda Saraswati’s class Schedule

(Please note- Only UK times are mentioned. Please adjust the time as per your time zone)

Weekly Classes

Saturday (9:00am - 10:00am) - Srimad Bhagavad Gita Class

Thursday (1:00pm – 2:00pm) - Srimad Bhagavad Gita Class based on BGHS

Sunday (1:30pm –2:30pm) - Prakarana Grantha and Upanishad Class

Daily Activities

Spiritual Sadhana mornings (with Sri Rudram and other chants)

6:30am-7:00am (Weekdays)

7:15am-7:45am (Weekends)

If you wish to join any of the classes, please contact us through the following google form: 

Warmest wishes for your successful learning.

All of Swaminiji's classes are dakshina-based, donation-based - there are no set fees. One is free to contribute any amount in exchange for the knowledge given. This is based on an ancient system of reciprocity.

The concept behind Traditional Teaching is this - there is no price we can put (…as rishis of past) on this priceless knowledge.

However, Dakshina (traditionally a ‘donation’ -money, goods, seva etc., in exchange for teaching) has always been traditionally given to support the Teachings, Gurukulas, and basic living and travel expenses of our teachers. This custom is followed in India even today, in Ashrams and Gurukulas.

This exchange of energy is held to bless the students as well as contributing to the perpetuation of the Teaching Tradition.

So, whatever one is able to contribute, one can give, towards the Teaching that has been given. The very act of giving is a blessing all the way.


Swamini Chidekarasananda Saraswati

Those who are interested to offer their Dakshina (Donation), we request them to fill the following Google form, so that bank details can be sent individually.

Warmest Regards.